Services We Offer
If you have a project to heat something up and think induction might work, contact us and we can help. Our equipment cannot do everything. If it is not suitable we will let you know and tell you why not. It might be the application isn't good for induction or our equipment is not suitable due to frequency or power. If it is a good fit we would be happy to discuss your project with you. We offer no charge sample testing. We will test heat your part with a custom designed heating coil and provide you with finished samples, a process report including the model heater used, the heating coil, the setup used and power and time settings. We will also provide you a video of the sample run and thermal imaging.
Custom Heating Coil Design
In most applications, the design of the heating coil is critical to successfully heat the part as needed. Even for standard cylindrical parts, the number of turns and the spacing of the turns in the coil can make a big difference. We design, manufacture and test all coils on site and can readily prototype and fine tune all coils to give the best heating possible. CAD drawings are available for custom coils.

To get even heating along a section of the tube, the spacing between the turns of the heating coil must be right
Sample Part Processing
We offer no charge testing of your sample parts. When your part is received we will check it out and determine the best setup to give a good test. If required, we will custom make a heating coil for the trial. A heating analysis including equipment used, heat times and power levels, part temperatures etc. will be prepared and sent to you along with finished sample parts, if applicable, for your inspection.
Video Recording
We will setup and videotape the processing of your sample part. The video will show the part fixturing, heating coil and actual heating of the part. A typical sample test video is shown.

Thermal Imaging
Measuring the temperature of a part during a heating test can be difficult. One way is to attach a thermocouple and display it's output with a meter. But, it only gives you the temperature at one point and you have to make sure that it is solidly attached to the part or you won't get a good reading. Infrared sensors and guns have to be adjusted for emmissivity and may have to be doublechecked with a thermocouple to verify the readings. Thermal imaging looks at the entire part as it is being heated. It lets you "see" the heating and shows any hot spots or cold spots that need to be corrected.

Thermal image of 2 threaded inserts
heated to a target temperature of 520F.